Recovery from Trauma is Possible with Online EMDR

EMDR treatment is one of the world’s most effective interventions for trauma recovery, can be short or longer term, and done from the comfort of home or office

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What can EMDR treat?

Our EMDR specialists tread a variety of issues, including:

Developmental Trauma
Childhood Trauma
Performance Anxiety
Generalized Anxiety
Acute Life Stressors
and more…

With online EMDR you partner with one of our licensed and board certified trauma recovery experts over video conferencing and specialized software is used to facilitate the bilateral stimulation

Our online EMDR clients report experiencing calm in their body, more positive emotions, an enhanced ability to communicate in their relationships, improved work performance, and more confidence

Limited studies have shown that healing from trauma via telehealth can bring quicker results than in person treatment. Subsequent studies have shown it to be just as effective[2]

Research on the benefits of EMDR have shown

Up to 93% of participants no longer qualified for a PTSD following EMDR treatment[1]

EMDR treatment participants symptoms of PTSD were reduced by up to 95%[1]

Have more questions? Not sure? Schedule a call with our client coordinator below!

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It all begins with taking the first step. Now you are on your way to achieving your personal and professional goals.

Virtual Therapy Clinic℠ can help

If you’re suffering from the symptoms of PTSD and trauma click below or call to get started with one of our specialists today.

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Virtual Therapy Clinic - a woman attends a counseling session on her computer. Plants are seen in the foreground.

Learn more about EMDR

EMDR is different from other forms of therapy

  • Time-bound and structured
  • Neuroscience based
  • Globally recommended
  • Transcends language and culture
  • Working Memory Taxation for cutting edge innovation
  • A narrative or detailed description of events is not required

What do we mean by “Eye Movement” or “Desensitization and Reprocessing”?

EMDR utilizes what is called dual-attention-stimulation, also sometimes called bilateral-stimulation (BLS) to stimulate the body’s nervous system to help it become unstuck from prior patterns of response and to make new, healed connections and patterns.

These old patterns of responses include our mental health symptoms like flashbacks, anxiety, and fear, as well as, reactions to other’s around us like communicating in a relationship or with an authority figure. When the body responds to a past trauma as if it is occurring right now, it means it can become overpowered by strong feelings and sensations when it is unnecessary, find general bodily and emotional regulation difficult, and feel disempowered to effectively respond to a real threat that may be occurring. For example setting a healthy boundary with a person who is mistreating you might be overwhelming, or performing in front of a large crowd with confidence may not be possible.

Healing from these past memories and life events, and then reducing the disturbance of current triggers and stressors means the body can rest and the mind can access the most logical and rational parts of itself to respond in protective and effective ways to current life events. It also means breaking the snow ball effect of negative self-beliefs that can significantly impact our self-esteem or confidence.

We do this by accessing life events or memories, activating the disturbing and bothersome parts of those events or memories, and then adding distractions to the nervous system through dual-attention stimulation, which includes moving your eyes in a certain pattern by following a dot on the screen, tapping your body in an alternating pattern on shoulders or legs, or listening to various sounds through headphones. Sometimes additional stimulation is used which includes naming colors, counting, or adding music.

EMDR works through phases

1. History & Treatment Planning
  • Review your history; timeline of symptoms and events; outline your specific goals and needs, and work with the counselor to create an EMDR “target” (life event or memory) plan
2. Preparation
  • Learn about the process in detail; review your current coping skills with the counselor; participate in EMDR resourcing exercises to utilize between, during, and after sessions
3. Assessment
  • Focus on the selected “target” (life event or memory) to access and activate; identify associated negative self-beliefs, and use EMDR scale to measure your level of disturbance from 0 to 10
4. Desensitization
  • Participate in dual-attention-stimulation, ie. eye movements, tapping, or sounds, while thinking of the assessed target in order to reduce the disturbance of the “target” (life event or memory), eliminate any vivid and intrusive imagery, reduce its relationship with negative self-beliefs, and support the nervous system in understanding an event is over
5. Installation
  • Strengthen a positive self-belief that you’d rather believe instead of the negative self-belief associated with the “target” (life event or memory)
6. Body Scan
  • Hold the positive self-belief and “target” (life event or memory) together while mindfully scanning down your body to find any remaining tension, discomfort, or pain triggered by the “target” and then participate in more desensitization if indicated
7. Closure
  • Debrief either the completely processed “target” (life event or memory) that is now neutral and not disturbing; or the reprocessing experience of an incomplete “target” to feel grounded and safe before ending the session
8. Reevaluation
  • At the start of your next session, review any experiences that occurred between sessions, start the Assessment of the next “target” from your plan or Re-Assess the incomplete target from the last session to continue working on

1. Joungh, Ad., Benedikt, A., Hofmann, A., Farrell, D., & Lee, C. (2019). The status of EMDR therapy in the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder 30 years after its introduction. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 13 (4):
2. Lenferink, L., Meyerbroker, K., & Boelen, P. (2020). PTSD treatment in times of COVID-19: A systematic review of the effects of online EMDR. Psychiatry Research, 293.